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How to make New year's resolutions ?

It is this time of the year when we wrap up the ending of 360 days of our lives. Here we are getting ready to welcome in a new one. Many people choose to make lists of what would this new year be like. Dreams that they want to achieve. Things that they want to do. And Habits that they want to stick to. And we all know the story after, sadly almost no one commits to their goals, and the new year resolution list will end up forgotten in one of our notebooks or a word sheet. We forgot and when the year is coming to an end we remember our resolutions and we feel the guild, so to feel good about ourselves we decide to make a new resolution list for the upcoming year and we repeat the vicious cycle once again. The question here, why are these goals or dreams or habits never come true? The answer is quite simple actually. We tend to fill an entire paper with all our wishes and desires. Creating habits is such a tricky thing, you cannot start 20 habits at the same time that’s i...

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