Healthy habits at work

" Happiness is not a goal, it is a by-product of a life well-lived." Eleanor Roosevelt

For many of us, a large portion of our lives is spent at work, and that's nearly 24% of a typical working period of 50 years. It is important to build solid work habits because our jobs can make an enormous impact on our quality of life. In this blog post, I am gonna give my top 6 tips to keep you happy healthy and positive.

1- Pack your lunch and keep healthy snacks nearby 

We all know that when hunger hits you at work, your decision-making abilities will be very low and you will end up eating nasty processed food. Prepare your food and bring it with you at work. You will keep the extra kilos away and you will feel better. Your wallet will thank you as well. If you are someone who likes snacking in between meals, always carry a snack bowl and fill it with healthy goodies, such as nuts and fruits.

2- Declutter your workplace

A cluttered desk equals a stressful mind, and it can interfere with your efficiency. A tidy workplace will make it easier for you to concentrate and therefore to be more productive.

3- Work it out

If you spend your entire time at work set in front of the computer, it highly recommended that you get at least 30 minutes of physical activity. Try to find a nearby gym or just make a habit to walk at least for 30 minutes to your work, or instead of taking the elevator to try the stairs.

4- Start your day on a good note

Try to not hit the snooze button and instead wake up, make your bed and do your morning routine. Make it all about you before you go to work. Try journaling, meditating or just stretching for a couple of minutes.

5- Unplug from work when you get home 

In order to prevent yourself from burning out, avoid taking your work home. Learn to set healthy boundaries, if it is really necessary do not make it a habit to work at home after your habitual work hours. Checking your emails and scrolling through your reports before heading to sleep, it is mentally exhausting and it drains you before you even start your workday. 

You have to keep in mind that nobody is going to prioritize your health for you. If being healthy physically and mentally a priority for you then you should be proactive to implement behaviors and habits to keep it sharp. 


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