How to take care of yourself ?
You are your most important person. Therefore you should take care of yourself, honor it and cherish it. I know that some of you may be parents, or juggling two or 3 jobs, and hustling every day, and you may think that you can't take some time for yourselves. 10 minutes daily can be enough to recharge and to get back stronger to deal with life's challenges. Because if you don't take care of yourself no one will.
1. Learn to say "No"
Are you a people pleaser and feel overwhelmed about saying Yes all the time? Well, I know that saying No can be intimidating at first, but trust me you will thank me later. I used to find it hard as well to say No to people, guess what? I found my self dragged into parties that I don't like, with people that I don't specifically like, or to a family gathering that I didn't want to attend but I accepted because I didn't want to upset my parents... Now I put my self first and instead of saying yes immediately, I ask the person if I can think about it and if I feel that I don't want to go, I will get back to the person and take a rain check. With practice, it will get easier! trust me!
2. Take full responsibility for your life
Be the master of your own life! No one will come to save or fix you, only you have the power to move your life forward. Do not let circumstances dictate how you live your life, get in the driver seat and do what you got to do to achieve your dreams and ambitions! You owe it to yourself
3. Change your mindset
Some people can't move forward and wait for a rescuer because they tell themselves that they can"t do it alone. Because they think that they are not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, strong enough... Stop poisoning your mind, your mind believes everything you tell it EVERYTHING, speak to it nicely. Change the negative talk with a positive one, start your day with positive affirmations, make vision boards, use the power of manifestation to attract beautiful things into your life.
4. Meditate daily
Meditation is one of the most amazing ways to look after yourself. Finding some quiet time in your busy day is necessary to keep you balanced. Try to create time for yourself to meditate, at least 10 to 15 minutes per day. Be generous with yourself and make time to have some quiet.
5. Move your body
This must be already a habit of yours. Exercising releases endorphins which trigger a positive feeling in the body. Working out has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, boost self-esteem and help improving sleep. You can practice anything from running, swimming, yoga, dancing, biking ... Go get your dose of endorphins!
6. Focus on gratitude
Study shows that regularly expressing gratitude changes the molecular structure of the brain and makes us healthier and happier. When you focus on what you have rather than the things you don't have, you will always see that you are surrounded by an abundance and therefore you will have more. Everyday pick a journal and write down 5 things you are grateful for, you will see how it will affect your day and your whole perspective on life.
7. Clear up your space
The environment in which we surround ourselves is a direct expression of dignity and self-love. Being busy shouldn't be at the expense of being cluttered and disorganized. Clearing up your space will help you feel less anxious and more centered.
I hope those few ways and ideas help you take care of yourselves seriously and regularly. and remember always that positive energy brings positive energy.
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