5 Most Important Time Management Techniques

We all have been pressured because of time.
We oversleep, we hurry to work, we miss a bus, all because of Time. We all heard the word "busy" many times, from our parents, our friends, our boss, colleagues ...  Why is it very hard to Manage time. Well, literally speaking we cannot manage the time it is not possible, the only thing that we can manage is ourselves. How do we do that?
First of all, you should ask yourself why do you want to manage time? Why do you need to get up an hour earlier than you are used to? Answering these questions is key to managing your time effectively.

Time managing is not what your boss thinks it is. It is not squeezing as many tasks into your day as possible. It is just simplifying how you work, in other words, organizing and uncluttering your time but also your mind and space.
Here are some hacks and techniques to help you manage your time.
  1. Figure out why do you want to manage your time
Answering the question  WHY is really important, it will give a solid reason in why you need to manage your time. You will have a very clear vision of your goals and values which will help you to be consistent on how to use your time. 
  1. Have a work plan (aka to-do list) 
Before you start your work, make sure to have a clear working plan prepared a day before. You should prioritize your most important tasks, make sure to add a due date for each task, when to start working on that task, and how much time it would take to finish that task.

      2. Set  Goals 

Setting your goals is very crucial, it means that you are using your time and resources productively. Not setting your goals the right way, we will make lose sight of your proper targets. To help you see things through, use the SMART Method.

     3. Track your time

Do you know how much time you spend on particular tasks? Well, the majority don't have a clue about how much time they spend on daily work. You should know how much time you allocate to tasks, projects ... You can kee a log of the work you do, and how long it takes you to complete that work, next time you have a similar task you will know exactly how long it would take you to finish it. You can also use Time tracking software for more precision.

     4. Avoid task switching 

Task switching means that you transition from one thing to another, and then to another and back again. It a very time-consuming way of doing things because you need to reacquaint yourself with the task. Let's say you have a task that should take 2 hours to be done, but when you keep switching from task to task, it will take 3 hours to finish it. Now if you must switch tasks, leave yourself notes as to how to start again this minimizes the switching costs. But when you have a choice make an effort to work on one thing at a time.

    5. Be Mindful while consuming TV/Social Media 

Try to limit your TV and social Media consumption so that you can use that time to be more productive and more present. Turn off your social media notifications so that it doesn't interrupt your working flow. Allocate a certain amount of time in a day for social media, watching tv... in this way you are not being distracted from important work.

Select one to 3 changes that you think are the most helpful to you and work on those, do not select more than 3 you will be overwhelmed and it is not fair to your self. And now go and conquer the world. 


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